This post is for those who are interested in some of the details of the actual science experiment that is going on. I'll try to keep it in language that non-scientists can understand and I'll try to explain what various things are, but if there are any questions, feel free to leave a comment on the post and I'll answer when I can.
Here goes: The area of interest is in the Lau Basin, located between Fiji on the west and Tonga on the east. Here's a
brief geologic history of the area: it all started when the Pacific plate started to subduct underneath the Australian plate north of New Zealand. The overall tectonic forces are pushing the two plates together in a roughly east-west orientation, causing one plate (the Pacific) to slide under the other. As the water-rich subducting plate descends, it begins to be compressed and heated, squeezing water out as it goes down towards the mantle. Once it reaches a depth of ~100 km, the plate begins to melt, releasing water-rich melt into the base of the overlying crust. This magma is less-dense then the surrounding material and buoyantly rises to the surface to form a chain of volcanoes. Over time, these volcanoes build and become an island chain above the ocean surface (e.g. Japan, Indonesia, the Aleutian Islands...). If this subduction process occurs under a continental plate, you get the Andes in South America or the Cascade Range along the west coast of the US. Due to various forces that are very complex and still not entirely understood, these chains of volcanoes often rift apart and split. In this case, the Fiji Ridge and the Tonga Ridge were once part of the original volcanic arc. Rifting occurred between the volcanic arc and the subduction trench (called the forearc), splitting the arc into two pieces. The Tonga ridge is the forearc portion of this system and hence is much flatter than the Fijian portion, which contains the arc volcanoes and has much higher topographic relief. Over time, this rift develops into an organized spreading center, similar to what is happening along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where new crust is emplaced at the spreading center axis, creating new ocean floor. As long as subduction continues, the downgoing plate will continue to melt and form a new chain of arc volcanoes in a similar position to the original arc (this chain is currently the Tofua Volcanic Arc, just west of the Tongan islands). Most of these volcanoes are small still and only a few have actually breached the ocean surface. As spreading continues behind the volcanic arc, you end up with a new ocean basin (the Lau Basin) bounded on the west by the Fiji ridge and on the east by the newly formed Tofua arc, with the Tongan islands just east of the active arc, and the subduction trench just east of that. This type of basin is called a backarc basin, because of it's position relative to the arc. This basin and the spreading center that created it are the focus of both my Master's thesis work and the current experiment.
The experiment: the goal of the experiment is to look at the crust and upper mantle below the southern portion of the backarc spreading center and try to image the magma chamber underneath the spreading axis. This will be accomplished by setting up a rectangular grid of ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS's) on the seafloor, centered around the spreading axis. After the OBS's are deployed on the seafloor, we zig-zag over the area in a grid pattern (both horizontally and vertically), shooting specially designed air guns at the seafloor. I'm not completely familiar with how the air guns work, but essentially they cause small seismic waves to propagate through the seafloor to the base of the crust and even into the upper part of the mantle (~8-10 km deep). Different types of material (i.e. sediment vs. rock vs. magma) reflect and refract these waves in different ways, and the waves move through them at different speeds. The seismometers can pick up these differences and create a cross-sectional image of the crust and upper mantle. The main thing we are looking for in this case is the magma chamber below the spreading center and its variations as you move down the axis. The southern end of the spreading center is closer to the arc volcanoes then the northern end, so we are expecting to find much larger magma chambers in the south, and smaller, if any, magma chambers in the north. We will also be collecting other secondary types of data while in the area, including: bathymetry (the surface of the ocean floor) from a multibeam echosounder (multiple beams of sound bouncing off the seafloor, like sonar), magnetic (different types and ages of rocks have different strengths and orientations of their magnetic fields which can be measured from the boat), and gravity (different densities and thicknesses of material produce a stronger or weaker gravitational pull). These data are what my advisor (whose on the boat but not in charge of the cruise) is interested in and will be more directly related to my thesis.
Complications: Many things can go wrong and slow us down while collecting this data. The one I'm most concerned about is cyclones or large storms. It is cyclone season in the southern hemisphere and it is entirely possible we could encounter one in the 45 days that we are out here. If this occurs, apparently we have to move the boat behind the nearest island to give us some shelter from the waves. Obviously, this is not something we want to experience, the boat moves enough on flat water as it is. The other complication is from marine mammals (mostly whales) which may venture close to the air guns. There are 5 biologists on the boat who are constantly on the lookout for any sign of whales and they could potentially shut the experiment down if a whale gets close enough. It's unclear how much harm the air guns do to whales, but it seems to affect their ability to communicate and may possibly physically harm them as well. I for one, would not mind seeing some whales, but it would definitely wreak havoc on our plans.