1. It hit me a few days ago that silence does not exist on this boat. No matter where you go, you can always hear the engine, as well as a variety of other noises. I never thought I would miss silence so much, but that is probably the one thing I want the most right now.
2. On a related note, just being still and motionless is impossible on the boat. Even when the ocean is virtually flat, you are always moving. Just sitting in the chair at the computer, my hips and lower torso have to slowly but constantly adjust side to side to keep my upper torso straight. You do get accustomed to it, I definitely have my "sea legs," but I miss being able to just sit and be still.
3. I finally got to witness my first sunrise yesterday, and if I may say so, I think I picked an excellent day. The low cumulus clouds provided a great foreground, and the high cirrus clouds (correct me if I'm wrong mom) provided a nice canvas for the sun to paint on. I took over 90 pictures as the sun was rising. I realized that it's hard to keep the horizon level on a moving boat, and I also realized I wish I had an SLR. Here's 5 of the best shots, I couldn't decide on one:

I'll add to this post later...
How did I miss making a comment! The sunrise photos are beautiful. I like the one with the sun the best. I think it is contrast that draws me.